Finding the right flatmate can completely transform your living experience. 

Whether you’re moving somewhere new or looking for someone to share your current place, these tips will help you find a great match. From figuring out what you want to setting ground rules, we’ve got all the advice you need for a happy and smooth flatmate hunt.

Let’s get to it!

Determine Your Criteria

Finding the perfect flatmate starts with understanding your own needs and preferences.

First, assess your lifestyle and habits. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you value quiet evenings or enjoy hosting social gatherings? Knowing your own routine helps you identify a compatible flatmate.

Next, list your must-haves and deal-breakers. Think about factors such as cleanliness, noise levels, and smoking habits. For instance, if you're a non-smoker, a smoking flatmate might be a deal-breaker.

Lastly, consider practicalities like work schedules, pet ownership, and even dietary preferences. Having clear criteria will streamline your search and increase the chances of finding someone who complements your lifestyle.

Start Your Search Early

The key to finding the perfect flatmate is to start your search well in advance.

Begin your search at least a couple of months before you need someone to move in. This allows you ample time to find the right match without feeling rushed or pressured into making a hasty decision.

Utilise various platforms to widen your search. Websites like SpareRoom, Gumtree, and local community boards are excellent places to start. Additionally, social media groups and word of mouth can be effective in reaching a broader audience.

Starting early also gives you the opportunity to be selective. You can thoroughly vet potential flatmates, conduct multiple interviews, and ensure they meet your criteria, reducing the risk of future conflicts.

Create a Detailed Advertisement

Crafting a detailed advertisement is crucial for attracting the right flatmate.

Start with a clear and engaging headline. Highlight the key features of your flat, such as location, rent, and unique selling points. For example, "Bright Double Room in East London Flat – £700/month, All Bills Included".

In the body of the ad, provide comprehensive details. Describe the flat’s layout, the available room, shared amenities, and nearby transport links. Mention any preferences you have for a flatmate, such as non-smokers or pet-friendly individuals.

Include high-quality photos. Clear images of the room, common areas, and building exterior make your ad more appealing and help potential flatmates visualise living there.

Finally, be honest and transparent. Clearly state the rent, deposit amount, and any additional costs. Include your expectations regarding shared responsibilities and lifestyle compatibility.

Screen Potential Flatmates

Screening potential flatmates is essential to ensure compatibility and avoid future issues.

Start with initial contact through messaging or email. Pay attention to how they communicate and whether they provide the information you requested in your ad. This helps you gauge their seriousness and attention to detail.

After that, conduct an initial interview over the phone or via video call. This allows you to get a sense of their personality and ask important questions about their lifestyle, work schedule, and living habits. It's also an opportunity to clarify any details from your advertisement.

Prepare a list of questions covering key areas like cleanliness, noise tolerance, and how they handle shared expenses. Be sure to discuss any deal-breakers upfront to avoid misunderstandings later.

Observe their responses and body language. Trust your instincts; if something feels off, it’s worth considering other candidates.

Arrange In-Person Meetings

Meeting potential flatmates in person is a crucial step in the selection process.

Once you've shortlisted candidates from your initial screenings, invite them to view the flat. This allows them to see the living space and gives you both a chance to assess compatibility in a more relaxed setting.

During the meeting, show them around the flat and highlight key features. Be honest about any potential downsides as well; transparency builds trust. Use this time to discuss daily routines, house rules, and mutual expectations in more detail.

Take note of how they react to the space and their interactions with you. Are they respectful and genuinely interested? Do they ask thoughtful questions? These are good indicators of how they might behave as flatmates.

Finally, trust your gut feelings. If the person seems friendly, responsible, and aligns with your lifestyle, they might be a good fit.

Discuss Financials Openly

Openly discussing financial matters is essential to avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth living arrangement.

Start the conversation by clearly outlining the monthly rent, deposit requirements, and any additional costs, such as utility bills, council tax, and internet. Transparency from the beginning helps set clear expectations.

Agree on a fair and consistent system for handling shared expenses. Decide how you will split bills and manage payments. Some flatmates prefer to use apps like Splitwise to keep track of shared costs and ensure everyone pays their fair share.

Discuss payment deadlines and the preferred method of payment. Make sure both parties are comfortable with the agreed-upon arrangements. It’s important to establish a reliable system to prevent late payments or disputes.

If necessary, consider drafting a simple written agreement detailing the financial arrangements. This can serve as a reference point and help resolve any future disagreements.

Check References

Checking references is a crucial step to ensure your potential flatmate is reliable and trustworthy.

Ask for references from previous landlords or flatmates. This can provide valuable insight into their behaviour as a tenant and their ability to coexist peacefully with others. Be specific about the type of references you need and ensure they are recent and relevant.

When contacting references, ask key questions about the candidate’s punctuality with rent payments, cleanliness, and how they handled conflicts. Enquire about their overall conduct and whether the reference provider would recommend them as a flatmate.

Verify employment and income stability. While it might feel intrusive, confirming that your potential flatmate has a steady income helps ensure they can meet their financial obligations.

Look out for any red flags or inconsistencies in the information provided. If references are hesitant or provide negative feedback, it might be worth reconsidering the candidate.

Set Ground Rules

Establishing clear ground rules from the outset helps ensure a harmonious living environment.

Start by discussing household responsibilities. Agree on a cleaning rota to ensure shared spaces remain tidy. Decide on how chores will be divided and maintained, considering each person’s schedule and preferences.

Address expectations around noise levels and guest policies. Clarify quiet hours, particularly if someone works from home or has a variable schedule. Set guidelines for having friends or partners over to avoid any discomfort or misunderstandings.

Discuss the use of shared items and spaces. Agree on rules for using the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas. This includes sharing food, household supplies, and respecting each other’s privacy and personal belongings.

Establish a system for communication. Decide how you’ll handle conflicts or issues when they arise. Regular check-ins or house meetings can help address minor problems before they escalate.

Trust Your Gut

When it comes to choosing the perfect flatmate, trusting your instincts is invaluable.

Pay attention to your initial impressions. Often, your gut reaction to someone’s personality and behaviour can provide insights that go beyond what’s discussed in interviews and meetings.

Consider how comfortable and at ease you feel around the potential flatmate. If you feel relaxed and positive during your interactions, it’s a good sign. Conversely, any feelings of discomfort or unease shouldn’t be ignored.

Reflect on any red flags or inconsistencies. If something doesn’t seem right, such as vague answers or avoidance of certain topics, trust your intuition and proceed with caution.

Don’t rush the decision. Take your time to weigh the pros and cons of each candidate. It’s better to continue searching than to settle for someone who doesn’t feel like the right fit.

Draft a Flatmate Agreement

Creating a flatmate agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smooth cohabitation experience.

Start by outlining key responsibilities. Include details on rent payments, due dates, and the method of payment. Clearly state the amount of the deposit and conditions for its return.

Specify the division of utility bills and other shared expenses. Agree on how these costs will be split and managed, ensuring both parties understand their financial obligations.

Include house rules and expectations. This should cover cleaning schedules, noise levels, guest policies, and the use of shared spaces and items. Establish guidelines for maintaining common areas and respecting each other’s privacy.

Set terms for resolving conflicts. Outline how disputes will be addressed and resolved, whether through regular house meetings or another agreed-upon method. Having a plan in place helps manage disagreements constructively.

Finally, include the notice period for moving out. Specify how much advance notice is required if either party decides to leave, and outline the process for finding a replacement flatmate if necessary.


That’s it for another week. We hope you found this guide to finding the perfect flatmate helpful. 

Petty’s has been helping people find their perfect pad for over a century and would love to help you find yours. Speak to one of our friendly agents today to find out exactly how we can assist you in your search.

Article By: Jennie Lawley

When it comes to accounts, Jennie is the genius that keeps us all in check by handling everything from processing rental payments through to keeping HMRC happy. She also keeps 3M in business with her passion for Post-it notes!

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